Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.
Arbor Village Homeowners Association board members are elected to serve staggered terms. As of the Annual Meeting October 3rd 2023, the current board members are:
Savannah Eastman (Term: 2023-2026)
Stephanie Morris (Term: 2022-2025)
Cheris Hollis (Term: 2023-2026)
Stephanie Morris
Stephanie Morris
Cheris Hollis
Cheris Hollis
Savannah Eatman
Contact AVHA Board members from this site.
You may also contact the Board at any quarterly Board meeting. Normally, meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of January, May, September and November; however, the meetings dates, times, and locations change sometimes. (Changes are posted prior to meetings.) Board Meeting minutes are posted each month; you can find published minutes under Documents > Board Meeting Minutes.